Davies Craig Electric Water Pump EWP140 & Controller Kit

Davies Craig Electric Water Pump EWP140 & Controller Kit
£ 339.59 Inc. VAT @ 20%
Davies Craig EWP140 High flow electric water pump with aluminium housing complete with LCD water pump and fan controller. With a flow rate of 141 litres per minute, this pump sits neatly between the EWP80 and EWP150 electric water pumps. The inlet and outlet connectors suit 38mm I.D. hose. The EWP140 pump comes complete with wiring harness and relay. The pump can be used for 12 volt applications.

The latest digital fan and pump controller from Davies Craig now features a number of new facilities and improvements, the most obvious being it's LCD display. The display gives real time readouts of coolant temperature, water pump operation, fan operation and also has the ability to report various alarm conditions in case of problems with the coolant system.